Thursday, November 15, 2007

In Honor of Thanksgiving

In honor of Thanksgiving, and to get myself out of a bit of a slump. I decided I needed to post some gratitude, in helping me towards my "gratitude attitude". Also, if truth is told, my sweet visiting teacher this week (ok so it was last week and I am just getting to it) challenged me to think of two things that were blessing or miracles in my life that happened that day or that I recognized and to do this for a week and to be grateful in my prayers and thoughts and see if it didn't help me be a little happier.

Today's gratitude attitude thoughts.

I am grateful for my calling(s). But tonight I am especially grateful for my stake sports director calling. Tonight was our last night of stake v-ball play. I am relieved that is it done (except Sat co-ed tourney). But I am so grateful for the opportunity it has provided me to be active...more particularly active in an activity that I love. That most weeks Steve and I were able to spend some time together. And that in some cases, especially lately, it has made me get out of my house at the end of a long, hard day. IT has made me feel good physically, when those moments are recently hard to come by. I have made new friends and gotten closer to others. I have learned to appreciate those who are there when they say they are going to be there and then to thank them for that. And it has made me really appreciate my husband's fantastic height (thanks a million sweetie for all your net help). I mean, I always thought his height was a very attractive feature but now I am grateful for its functionality beyond reaching things off the top shelf. :)

I am grateful that the lives of my little family have been blessed with health. That aside from our sweet Bella, the worst we get is a cold or flu bug every now and then. It talking with friends, that is quite a miracle and I am so grateful for it.

Taking a cue from Denae and her thought provoking questions at the seeming end of every blog.

What are you thankful for?

1 comment:

Dave said...

OK, so this may seem cheesy, but I'm thankful for the gospel, for a lot of reasons.
1. It gives us hope that a loving God can ease our burdens and will always take care of us in the end.
2. It provides us with positive things to do that will enrich our lives and make us better, happier people each day.
3. It provides us with activities that build friendships (like your athletic director calling).
4. It provides a bond with people that lasts a lifetime (like how Steve and I became friends in high school because of the church, and now - even though visits and talks are few and far between - he is one of the few people from my youth that I keep in touch with).
5. Lastly, it gives us the knowledge that we can be together forever with our families if we really work for it!

Good post Emily... say hi to your boys for me!