Saturday, November 17, 2007

In honor of Thanksgiving - Day 3

Today I am grateful for a volleyball team that are all good sports. That they like to have fun and that they don't mind sharing the playing time. We had a lot of fun at our co-ed tourney today. After losing in the 1st game by 1 pt, we had to fight our way back through the losers bracket. Everyone was great and we had a lot of fun.

I am also grateful that Conner was healthy today. In fact, his fever was gone all last night and all today. (Sadly, it is coming back) But that was definitely a good coincidence (blessing?).

I am grateful that I was able to put my printer back together and that the power came back on when I was done. The trick is, I now have a new error, from a piece put back in wrong, but I am grateful I know what piece it is. (I truly need to post pics for you all to get the full effect)

Mostly I am grateful today for a supportive husband who got up early to take stuff to the first ball game so a tired momma could sleep and a sick boy could get his rest.

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