Wednesday, November 21, 2007

IN honor of THanksgiving - Day 6 and 7

Well, I remembered when I was already in bed last night. But to ease my disappointment, I had at least thought of things I was thankful for....but of course I can't remember them all now.

I am grateful for bowling. I used to hate bowling and that was a passionate hate (just ask Nikki, Mel or Steve). But our family (extended) has spent some time doing it lately at family gatherings and I have come to be thankful for it. It gives us a chance to interact and watching Conner learn and grow from each time we have played has been so fun!

I am grateful for the timings of Steve's lastest closings. For those that don't know, he is self-employed as a real estate agent and so we have quite the income fluxuation. The last couple have been perfect timing for our family in many ways and I would be ungrateful if I didn't acknowledge that the Lord has a way of guiding our lives and also a way of really letting us know when He is.

I am also grateful for a clean toilet. Now don't get me wrong, it's not as if my toilets are usually dirty or anything. But I don't particularly get along with the toilet smell and cleaner smell together, especially lately. So Steve cleaned them both yesterday with perfect timing! Yeah for Steve!

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone tomorrow. I am hoping to spend some time in reflection so that maybe this last gratitude attitude post can be a little more thoughtful and reflective!

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