Thursday, April 24, 2008

Most of my comments should be posts

Is there a way to get all the essays I pass off as comments on other blogs to just turn into posts on my own?

Usually I read someone else's blog and it sparks something I want to remember or something I feel strongly about or want to respond to...but rather than stealing their idea and posting it myself, I just turn my comment into a big long wanna-be post.

I don't mean to when I start commenting...but by the time I am done, well, let's just say that I wouldn't be offended if they told me they hadn't finished reading it.

This happened to me twice today, hence the following two posts....they are mostly so I can remember these things about slightly pious mother to one child-rearing tactics and my thoughts about my wedding ring.
In fact, one is an exact copy of something I left on a friend's blog in her "quest" to find ideas for discipling...and yes, I actually posted all of that as if I knew what I was talking about or something :)

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