Friday, June 01, 2007

Something to think about..

I spend quite a bit of time updating the world on my darling son. But there is someone just as special, maybe more, that I haven't blogged about. Yep, if you haven't's Steve.

As we were talking in our Strengthening Marriage class about "Loving Communication" (p.s. look for one in your area...supposedly service missionaries are called just to teach this class-- in our case, Bro/Sis Cottle from the Institute--they're great)....anyways... I was thinking about how much easier and more fulfilling it is to strengthen and build one another, as opposed to trying to fix problems know the cliche, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. And that thought led me to think about how loving communication reinforces the love that is behind all the "dutiful" things we do for our spouses....we all know that list...anyways....that is what prompted me in this blog.

What an amazing, wonderful husband I have...I mean, I really think I got extra lucky (oops...blessed) to have him in my life. He is always doing what ever he can to make our family and marriage better and stronger.

So cheers to my husband (and all the other husbands out there) who make their wives feel like a million bucks, support them in all their well-intentioned, if not slightly neurotic endeavors, and most of all just do the best job they can at loving us.

Loves to you honey!

1 comment:

Dave said...

Hey this is Kirsten....Jamie's friend..are you the one that comments on my blog? If so, thanks for the comments, it really makes me want to be more diligent in my writing. Blogs are my fav...I hope this is the right person, if not, I'm Jamie's friend and I loved your entry today!!
It's always a good idea to tell the husbands how amazing they are, way to go!!!