Monday, June 04, 2007

Is it possible?

I want to know if it is possible to break your toe and never even bruise. I swear that is what I did last still hurts. At first I couldn't put any weight on the pinky toe side of my foot so walking was difficult. Then I could walk a little better, but still with a big gimp. Then Sunday I couldn't wear heels because it made my toe just ache...and then every night since then I have trouble falling asleep. All because of my little bitty toe and a tiny in sheer size, but huge in pain ache....only my Pilates instructor has had any sympathy for me because she said the same thing happened to her once. Other wise, no hugs and sloppy kisses from Conner. No poor Emily from Steve. No reason to still be hurting right? Ha!


Kirsten said...

Yes of course we know you two. I didn't know that you were this Emily. I am glad you are blogging and I'm glad it's you. How fun is that! It's nice to be able to put a face to the comments and to your blog. YEA!!! Keep posting and commenting, it makes my dad! Have a good one.

Jamie said...

I'm sorry about your toe. I broke my big one in Jr. High! Hope it gets better fast!
Love, Jamie

Nikki said...

Hey Em - yeah Sara told me a few weeks ago that it was coming up, but way to keep me informed. Bummer about your toe, hope it gets feeling better soon!