Friday, September 12, 2008


So did any of you know that sunshine takes the yellow out of breastfed baby explosions?

Well it does...and this week that little fact saved at least three BRAND NEW baby outfits from the trash can.

Shame on you if you knew and didn't tell me.


Kristin Hanson said...

I had no diea - wish I had known when Evie was younger! Oh wait, there was no sun then....darn winter.

Nikkala said...

It also takes the orange out of tomato stains. The sun is a magical bleaching agent.

Shae said...

Wow! I did not know that. That is very good to know. Sadie has already had one explosion, with, I'm sure, many more to come! That info will come in great!! Thanks for the tip!

danniellespackman said...

Thanks for the tip. Grant just had a blow out on one of his church shirts and I didn't want to have to throw it out.

Craner Family said...

Do expand!!! do you just get them wet and leave them out in the sun??? Thanks for the tip!

Mary said...

I'll keep that in mind when I turn into a mom someday.You should write a book with all your tricks in the meantime!