Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Trauma Solved?

Thanks to Nikkala and Ashley who suggested I check eBay for my outfit. I found it, but even with my I.T. background I have never bought anything there...I cant handle the wait and bidding, drives me bonkers. So Nikkala talked me through it and my mom lent me her username since I can't remember how to log in to my own.

I then proceeded to bid and win on two of the outfits (there were 3 listed). One is used and one is NWT (if you are an eBayer you probably know that acronym). They are both the same size though, the third item is a different size. I about bid on the third one too, but I decided that was excessive. So if they don't fit, I have one I can experimentally is cable knit after all.

Wish us luck.

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