Wednesday, March 12, 2008

To wear or not to that is

So I read on a guy's blog about how most women look better with makeup and how he wondered why some did or did not wear it. You can read his post here. Don't forget to check the comments they are the best part. I thought nothing of it. I still thought nothing of it when Steve read it later and mentioned it to me (it is his friend from high school's blog). But then I saw it on Danae's blog. She typically gets 30+ comments on almost every post and she had listed this post and told everyone to weigh in on this question. So then I was curious. Sure enough at the time there were 31 comments. So I posted goes something like this...

Ok, Tyler..I am sure you didn't mean to open a can of worms, but Danae's regular subscribers seem to have come out in fact, I didn't comment the first time I read it, or the second time when Steve read it and told me about it, and would probably have been content to leave it had there not been some many other interesting comments :)

Well applied, makeup looks good on almost anyone. But this is a "social" perspective. I mean, remember when "rouge" or other makeup was a sign of a prostitute or a lady of ill-repute. So of course, if we all lived then, we would rather die than leave our house WITH makeup.

This has obviously changed some. My personal reasons for wearing/not wearing makeup are thus: Please don't think less of me for showering at different intervals than the standard 24 hr cycle....sometimes it is less, or more...
1. I don't have a morning routine. Ask any of my old roommates or my husband. It is just as likely that I will roll out of bed and get dressed as it is that I will "makeup" my face or hair for that matter. Since this is random (not 50/50, just random), whether I am wearing makeup or not depends entirely upon whether I was wearing it the day before and whether or not I showered or washed my face the night before...I know, remind me when I 40 or 50 about how I should have taken better care of my skin...
2. I am going to go with your sisters in that it is nice to know that I do not think less of myself (image) if I am not wearing it...but in direct contrast, I do think more of myself when I am.
3. If I am leaving my house to impress, you better be sure I will have makeup on (even if it is touched up 'residual' stuff)
4. If not...well, I hope I don't scare anyone else too bad...but more than likely they are just wondering if their makeup looks ok considering mine is so terrible :) and I am ok with that.
5. As for inside my house, well, my husband can start his own blog and tell you what he and my four year old think is the answer to my personal "To wear or not to wear question"
6. P.S. I am turning this comment into a post and sending it out there on my own blog...which I should have done in the first place and just left a link in the comments.

So now it is your turn? To wear or not to wear?


Kristin Hanson said...

My make up history has been a little rocky. I didn't wear any until I was 21, then I wore it every day until a few months into my marriage. A lazy dressed job and gaining weight drove my need to impress into the ground. After I quit that job, I started wearing again. Now I have a two month old. I'm lucky if I get to shower AND blow dry my hair. Plus my skin has gone back to it's good condition since having the baby, so I don't feel horrid going with out. But you better believe I always wear makeup to church.

All in all, it's up to the person and what is important to them.

Kristin Hanson said...

Oh and tell Tyler that men wore make up and high heels first :)

Jen C. said...

Wow. That was an impressive variety of comments on his post. As you know, Em, I am a Mary Kay consultant. I currently wear makeup only when I go to church and when I go 'out' with my husband somewhere. I do, however, use my MK skin care every day. Do I think I look 'better' with makeup? Absolutely. Do I think I look ugly without it? No. For me, the time and cost issues far outweigh my desire to look 'hot' at the grocery store or doctors office. I was actually surprised to read how many women judge other women for NOT wearing it. To me, that's totally wrong. If a woman feels better wearing it, by all means, wear it! If a woman doesn't wear it for one reason or another, how dare those other women judge them!! Luckily, if people are thinking ill of me in public, that's their problem and their decision to be negative and it doesn't effect me at all. And I bet I got 5 more minutes of sleep than they did, so HA!!

Nikki said... is ALL about wearing it. You know I have been a fan from day one. How can you live without it? :)

Jamie said...

I totally remember you being quite random- but good for you-you look beautiful without make-up. I just don't think I could go without mascara. You have dark eyelashes, I don't, and therefore look like I'm 13 without mascara. Thank heavens for make-up. But it only takes me 5 minutes. I have mastered it, and have been forced to do it quickly thanks to A & B. I do have to say that some people look great without it, just not me!

Natalie said...

I totally love makeup. I have had some friends that actually look better without it. I say, do whatever makes you feel the best. I feel the best with it....and I wear it everyday. i don't feel dressed without it.