Wednesday, April 11, 2007

More Conner'isms

Setting: Dinner out tonight since mommy didn't want to eat leftover beef stew. These comments came sporadically throughout dinner

Conner: "Mommy, we haven't been to this food place for a long time."

Conner, after spilling fry sauce on his shirt: "Oops, sorry mommy. I was trying to be careful but I spilt."

And finally the best situation of all. Mommy and Conner went back to the soda fountain to refill our drinks.

Conner: "Oops, excuse me mommy. I toot."
Snickering from the guys at the closest table.
Mommy: "Oh, that is ok. Just say excuse me."
Conner: "I said excuse me already, but mommy, don't smell my bum. It stinks."


Erin said...

That sounds so funny! I can totally picture this whole scenario. He was trying to be so polite...I'm gonna be honest, I probably would have been cracking up if I was there with you.

Kristin Hanson said...

I'm still laughing. And I read it about an hour and a half ago.... That boy really is a Hanson!