Sunday, April 08, 2007

Babies, babies everywhere...

Well, the first baby we had visit was Baby Rylie. Conner and I watched her so her mom could go to the temple with Bomma. She was so good. We went on the swings and for a walk. She even took a nap. I think it was her first time on the swings and she had a blast! I had an even better pic on my phone. But I don't really know how to get it off my phone and on to the computer .... so this one will have to do. Conner loved holding her and he said, 'No, I want my momma to hold her' anytime anyone else tried to hold her.

Our next excursion into baby land was at baby animal day. He really liked holding the chicks because the bunnies were a little too skittish for him. And I think he would have sat and pet the calf all day, that is, if it didn't interfere with riding the wagon around....and around....and around ...and around.
A new thing they had this year was the musical "petting zoo". Good thing it was outside or I am afraid it wouldn't have been nearly so fun.

1 comment:

Nikkala said...

How fun! Bentley would have loved baby animal days. I miss Logan :(