Saturday, July 07, 2007

I really don't have time for this, seeing as it is 11:15 and I am exhausted but I couldn't resist.

For all of you who are raising little girls any where around the 3 1/2 range and wouldn't mind an arranged marriage for your little one, we are currently accepting applications for Conner. Of course they will have to be exceptional :) and ready to go to the temple. Tonight while reading scriptures, there was a verse that used the word wife. Conner wanted to know what a wife was and so we spent some time talking about mommy being a wife and how some day he would marry some sweet girl and then she would be his wife. I didn't think anything of it, because we spend more scripture time explaining words than we do actually reading verses (try explaining "concerning" or "abominable" to a 3 year old). Afterwords we were having prayers and during his prayer he said, "Thank thee I can have a wife" so my darling 3 year old is already praying for his future wife. I hope I can remember to tell her that someday because I think that is the most tender thing I have heard.


D-dawg said...

That is so cute! We need good boys out there like Conner. Maybe he and Macey could get together someday in the future (o:

Jen said...

If Tara isn't a giant like her mother, she might qualify. Although once in a while I'm not too sure :o) just kidding, she's pretty good. I really like your picture at the top of your page. Tara also really likes seeing what Connor is up to. TTalk to you later, Jen

Erin said...

that is adorable. what a cutie.

Joni said...

If he's interested in older women, Teia might be a good match.

I don't know if she could handle Steve for a father-in-law though.
Just kiddding.

Jamie said...

If he likes little sassy red headed girls, Abby might be the one for him.