Friday, February 06, 2009


So the title describes the current situation exactly and yet not at all.

I am SLOW in blogging about anything that has happened you are all probably SLOW at checking to see if I have updated, if you even check anymore....

But really the reason I am SLOW is because my computer is SLOW lately and Steve usually leaves his at work and because since it is lovely inversion time here along the home front, it feels like life is SLOW so there isn't much blog about that wouldn't SLOWLY put you to sleep.

The reality? MUCH different.

It is actually because everything is passing so QUICKLY that I don't have the desire to blog. My nights are QUICKLY over before they even seem to begin, due in part, to Matthew's QUICKLY emerging teeth - 4 - count them 4, in a week.

I have realized that if I don't start updating, I will QUICKLY lose track of all the pictures and events and milestones that have so QUICKLY passed me by.

Matthew is QUICKLY crawling. Like a little sidewinding crab (is there such a thing as one of those?). He does not allow his knees to touch the floor and kind of skip-hops with his feet. If it sounds like those extra movements might SLOW his crawl, you would once again be mistaken, as he is QUICKER than his mom many times. I really should post of video of it, but I haven't been QUICK enough with the camera to catch him yet. However, he does SLOWLY stand up by himself, think extra wide ballet plie.

So to those who were wondering...we are well, still alive and might QUICKLY decide to blog more...but who knows, sometimes I prefer the SLOW life!


David and Jana said...

Good to have you back in blogger land! Hope all is well for you guys.

Jessica Jensen said...

How fun that Matthew is crawling. Its such a fun stage. I hope you are well